General Manager: Sasha Bogdanov
Track Manager: Aiden Andrews
The Glenview Park Racing Complex is owned by the Latrobe City and was designed and developed for the racing sport of gallopers, trotters and greyhounds.
The first official greyhound race meeting at the Complex was held on Thursday 28 th June 1973. The greyhound track was designed to provide two circular ends with parabolic curves either side which has provided safe racing conditions with little risk of injury to greyhounds.
Races were conducted over 298, 513, 658 and 730 metres.
A State of the Art Kennel Complex opened at Traralgon in September 2007; this project cost $1.2 Million. The kennels are world standard in terms of Animal Welfare.
On Saturday 29th May 2014 the last greyhound meeting on the old track was conducted.
Greyhound Racing Victoria with the State Government approved a $6 Million redevelopment. This has just been completed and provides patrons, greyhounds and trainers with a new track and grandstand facilities. Our first race meeting on this track is scheduled for Saturday 15th August 2015. We will be racing twice a week, Saturday twilight and Monday twilight.
The new track consists of 5 starts, 315m, 395m, 525m, 595m and 665m.

View from the tower
Administrative Officer:The Committee of the Traralgon Racing Club consists of;
President: Don Haley Vice President: Bill Majoor
Junior Vice President:
Committee members: Andrew Wood, Mark Busuttil